
building my portfolio page

After completing the
web dev course
(side note - highly recommend this course and the other MOOCs offered by the University of Helsinki)
, I wanted to start building things right away. I thought it would be nice to have a space to show what I've done and see the improvements in my work over time. I've also been trying to get into the habit of creating proper write-ups for the ethical hacking stuff I do (ctfs, hack the box etc), so I knew I wanted to include a blog section where I could store and display these.
I do the majority of my writing in emacs's
. Although
can easily export to
I wanted to commit and forget about it. I am not a diehard emacs fan (blasphemy, I know) but org-mode and org-agenda are just too good. When it comes to actually coding, I'm too lazy to set it all up properly so I often just default to vscode. Maybe one day I'll configure everything to my liking.
To be honest I kinda just smashed this together but what I wanted to achieve was:
  1. look cute (subjective to my crappy taste)
  2. parse/render org files for my blog
  3. show a bit of my previous jobs/skills (even though no one cares)
  4. responsive design retains cuteness on mobile
I don't feel like I have fully achieved these goals but I'm pretty much just doing this incrementally when I have the time/motivation.
still to do
  • fix alignment of skills section
  • add components for missing org types
  • responsive design for projects page
  • actually add the projects i've done
  • add blog posts
  • add night mode
  • blog post styling